понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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List By Kathy Blanco

The other day, I was compiling a list of autism like symptoms or even separate diseases found in autism children.� �I began to circulate them through yahoo groups lists, and found that over eighty eight conditions are present, or in some variations, or on some variations of theme, found in these children (co morbid conditions and causal or contributory).� �There is probably a multitude more.� �Autism is a term used to refer to a spectrum of disorders whose cause is unknown-SO THEY SAY.� �� Feel free to ADD to this list...what is wrong in autism, and wrong with the term "AUTISM".

Genetic problems cannot account for the staggering increase in autism in the past 20 years.� However, genes are activated by nutrients.� Some so-called genetic defects are related to the poorer nutritional status of today's mothers and children due to their diet, eating habits, infections (under our noses), toxins, metabolic poisons, ioatragenic means, and due to stress.

Here is the list..of what autism REALLY is...

1. Chronic burning diarrhea
2. Constipation with grapefruit-sized blockage
3. Intestinal diverticuli
4. Seizures (petit mal, grand mal, tonic, clonic)

5. 75 under normal body weight/or overweight with no muscle tone
6. Lesions lining intestinal mucosa
7. Eosophineal esophagitis
8. Food texture sensivitiy and swallowing difficulty
9. Asthma and reactive airway disorder
10. Allergies to foods, fabrics, toys
11. Immune dysfunction
12. Chronic sinus infections
13. Chronic upper respiratory infections
14. Cycling viruses
15. PANDAS (strep)
16. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
17. Yeast overgrowth
18. Kryptopyrrole overload
19. Phenol sensitivity
20. Liver and kidney stress
21. Precocious puberty
22. Thyroid malfunction
23. Brain lesions with demyelination
24. PKU unrecognized in "typical tests"
25.� Mitochondrial disorders
26.� Autonomic Dysfunction
27.� Heart problems
28.� Flat Feet/Orthopedic/Arthritic
29.� Adrenal Gland disorder
30.� Borreliosis/TBD
31.� Demyelination
32.� Hyperperfusion in brain
33.� Inability to sweat
34,� Hyperacusis
35.� Metallothionein deficiency
36.� Wilsons idiopathic autism
37.� Purine Disorders
38.� Mitochondrial Kreb Cycle Problems
39.� Vascular Damage
40.� Birth Injured
41.� Terbatuline injured/Pitocin Injured
42.� Toxic or inabilty to detox
43.� Low Glutathione
44.� High Iron/Hemachromatosis/Anemia (looks like ANemia)
45.� Hypergammaglobulenmia
46.� Bone Density Problems
47.� Connective Tissue Disorder, MCT (multiple connective tissue disorder)
48.� Blindness/Deafness/Trisomy
49.� Oxidative Stress
50.� Sleep Disorders
51.� Hyperperfusion/White Matter Disease/Myelination/Axons atrophy
52.� Chiari Malformation
53.� Cerebellum atrophy
54.� Neuroborreliosis/Mycoplasma infection
55.� Ataxia
56.� Celiac/IBD
57.� Folate Metabolism problems
58.� Cholesterol problems/Cystein
59.� Toxin Adducts
60. Tourrette's Syndrome
61.� GULF WAR VET SYNDROME (the children who get it from parents, or MYCOPLASMA F)
64.� Lesch-Nyan syndrome
66.� SAVANTS (MATH, ART, MEMORY for example)
67.� Some would debate this, but ADHD/ADD
68.� Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
69.� Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Multiple collagen development problems)
70.� Rett Syndrome
71.� SSPE (the result of slow viral measles in brain)
72.� Mega/Microcaphaly
73.� Elective Mutism
74.� Childhood Schizophrenia
75.� Affective Disorder
76.� Hyperacusis
77.� Tinninitus
78.� MS (found sometimes in older autistics)
79.� neurofibromatosis
80.� Obesity/Poor Growth
81.� Hormone Imbalances
82.� Cancers (because of PTEN gene)
83.� Aspergers (of course)
84.� Brain Stem Nuclei Disorder
85.� Asphyxia (due to birth injury by cord clamp)
86.� social anxiety disorder/OCD
88.� SCID, CVID and or other immune disorders

Is autism a disease?� You bet� A multiplex disorder?� You bet Or should I say, YA THINK?

Kathy says, "I have been an advocate and writer and researcher in autism for over twenty years, due to my own experiences with autism in my family (not only my three children, but three siblings with HF autism).� I have visited major medical researcher labs around the country to explore every opportunity of "what may have happened to my children", talking to these experts first hand, and probably participated in every genetic research genome project ever thought of.� �I have taken part in starting and initiating NPO's to explore what may cause autism (genetic and environmental linkages), what may solve autism, if not cure it or prevent it.� �(you can add the other resume stuff officially I have done).� Most of all, I am a mom on a mission, and a grandmother, who in all estimations, have stopped autism in the next generation by paying attention to the three prong attack of autism, INFECTIONS, TOXINS and METABOLIC POISONS and DEFICIENCIES.� My grandchildren have no traces of autism, due to my education on how to stop it.� I am asking, why isn't this being put forth to the entire autism community, if not, at large?� And where are the studies that link those three prong attacks as the cause of recent rise in autism?� This article is spurred by the argument that some say, AUTISM IS NOT A DISEASE.� I beg to differ"

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This time it was something about a white flower made of material, and a customer who swore up and down that it wasnapos;t white. Then I was in a hospital, where someone was having heart surgery, and Dad was there. He was having surgery (liver? kidney?) the next day, and they would send him home the day after that. He was in tears, scared of the pain heapos;d be in. I told him weapos;d stop at Mangrove Medical to get something for the pain before I took him home.
Not happy dreams, no:(
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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The November issue of Kyoto Journal - a fantastic English magazine printed in Kyoto - is going to be dedicated exclusively to Tea. My good friend, Gaetano Maida, President of the Tea Arts Institute and director of the International Buddhist Film Festival, has taken the helm as editor. I'm a guest editor for the issue and I contributed three pieces - an appreciation of The Time of Tea, an incredible French book on tea now unfortunately long out-of-print, a review of two books on Chinese and Japanese tea houses and a review of All In This Tea, the new documentary by iconic filmmaker Les Blank on tea pioneer David Lee Hoffman.

The issue will include beautiful photographs, artwork and calligraphy as well as contributions from luminaries within the tea world.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Who wants to gob off calling me a HAMC arselicker, lets make it clear, I support the Hells Angels motorcycle club and gve them respect for many reasons, the fact they have been going 60 yrs, and the fact that I have some very good friends within the club, some who even call me brother may have somethng to do with it. I suggest the person running their mouths off should check out their facts before writing shit.

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Embarrassing Hubby Photos

These actually flash. We bought them from a street vendor for our daughter.

Note: Dave has the "sissy" drink while the female in the photo (Bethany) has the beer.

More sissy drinking.

Dave buried in Nicoleapos;s (the organizer) bosom.

This is actually the first photo that was taken of Dave that night so thatapos;s actually his first drink. Somehow, he still manages to look drunk (he wasnapos;t).

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Well, that wasn't really an intentional month-long blog break. I've had some ugly-icky stuff going on at work over the past several weeks that I really couldn't blog about (still can't), for confidentiality reasons, but just really didn't feel like blogging. Most of the posts would have been:

Nothing new at work that I can talk about.
Nothing new in my personal life, because work sucks and also sucks out my life-blood.
No new knitting.
Haven't taken a photo of anything in weeks.
The End.

Ok, things are better, work doesn't suck anymore, and I actually knit a row or two yesterday. When I got an email today from a reader asking if I was OK, I figured I better post something to let you all know that I'm not dead. I've finally had some good news at work, and after all, I have a secure job that pays well, not any small thing in the current economy. I've also had a birthday in the past two weeks, relatively obscured by the work-suckyness, but a birthday none-the-less. I've had champagne in the past week, and got some lovely birthday flowers and cards, as well as a set of quite perfect Bose noise-cancelling headphones from my sweetiepie. And chocolate. Let's not forget the non-suckyness of chocolate.

Knitting? Look at the last few posts, I've not made much progress. The Not-Quite-A-Cobblestone is half a sleeve and a yoke short of a full sweater. My Arctic Circle Monkey socks are one sock short of a pair. I haven't knit a single stitch on that Peacock shawl, and the orange Morse code socks are in time-out. I've decided that I can only deal mentally with 1 pair of socks at a time.

And let's not forget, while we're talking about good things, that I'm writing a blog post while my husband is down cooking me dinner. I'm off to join him for a post-work glass of wine. I'll be back soon, hopefully with a knitting update

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So, iapos;m back. Long story short, our computer broke and nobody fixed for three weeks.


Anyhoo...I canapos;t remember anything cool thatapos;s happened to me over the last few weeks, apart from singing and dancing, and eating, and chilling, and potato picking abd blah blah blah.


Also, one of the foreign exchange students got sent back to his home country of Geogia...I�THINK�THEREapos;S�A�WAR�GOING�ON�OVER�THERE. WITH�EFFING�RUSSIA...UM�WAS�THAT�A�GOOD�IDEA?

I didnapos;t think so.

So I got this face paint for halloween and i am loving it. LOVING�IT.

Also, Iapos;ve been listening to Jesus Christ Superstarapos;s soundtrack AND�THERE�ARE�NO�WORDS�TO�EXPLAIN�HOW�GOOD�THAT�MUSIC�IS.

Spent the night at Cherylapos;s and met her parents. They were very Arabic and cool...�GOSH�BECKY�YOUR�MUM�DOESNapos;T�ACT�THAT MIDDLE�EASTERN. WHAT�IS�THE�UP?

Iapos;ve cleaned up my room. Put a huge Joker Poster up on my wall, gwhee...

...Thatapos;s basically it...

Toodle Pip

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