четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

eclipse software free download

I essentially screamed my butt off for two hours and had all the boys make fun of me.
I got hit on by a 25 year old with white sneakers. In case you donapos;t know this about me, I wonapos;t date a boy who wears white shoes.
I forgot to take Beaapos;s water away before I left and came home to a puddle on the kitchen floor. At least it wasnapos;t the carpet.
She pooped on the floor in the middle of the night.
God help me, potty training is hard. Yes, I know I could use the crate to make it easy, but did you see that picture from last night? Yeah, you try telling that face it canapos;s sleep with you
Matt and I are going to New York in December Excited
Tonight is Happy Hour. John is coming to meet the coworkers. Iapos;m excited
Tomorrow weapos;re going to see Max Payne.
Saturday morning I have a hair cut and color appt. I think weapos;re going auburn for winter.
Saturday at 11 weapos;re getting a gang to watch the UGA game.
Then Dog Park.
Sunday night weapos;re having an Italian night and Iapos;m making chicken parm. Should be awesome.
Beatrice achewed my seatbelt and itapos;s going to cost me $400. That will be a tax refund project. :)
Right now she is at day camp again so I donapos;t have to feel guilty tonight. I got to watch her play for a little bit. She is SO cute. Her best friend at camp is named Abby and she was there and they LOVE each other.
Itapos;s almost Friday
eclipse software free download, eclipse software java, eclipse software updates, eclipse solaire.

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